Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just so you know...

I have not died, fallen from the face of the earth or even abandoned my friends and family. I have been away looking for work, finding work, finding better work and then making as much time as possible for the wife and kids.


  1. Hey man,
    Did you leave Dart and find something better?
    Good to see you on here. Tell Peewee not to be a stranger and ummm, you never did tell us how he got that name.

  2. Got another camping trip coming up soon!

  3. What's going on your way. We're planning another Blistered Bottom Ride for 2012, you comin?
    Jeff has been working hard to get his bike back up and has made several changes. His tranny was shot so all new gears and he's changing it to right side shift. Those bars he was running weren't very comfortable so he's changed to buckhorn style. Billy and I, and a couple others, rode to Damascus VA for the grand opening of Bear Claw Holler motorcycle camp ground. Nice place, good folks and plenty of tight curvy road.
