Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Shooting my mouth off

You know it really shouldn't surprise me but it does. How can people living in a free nation, a nation built on freedoms and rights that are unamiable, how can they be so willing to trample the very document that gives them the right to do so? The 2nd amendment of uor US Constitution affords every individual the right to keep and bear arms. I understand that 200 yrs ago the country was a different place but the reasons behind that simple clause still exist. We were not given this right. Many men died for it. Many men fought a war against a greater, more powerful army and won. Those men didn't fight and die so can huntor defend our homes from criminals. They died so we can defend our very way of life from a tyriness government. That is the reason we have a second amendment.

Now, now we have people inside our own country, our own friends and leaders that are willing to give up that right just to feel safer. Not be safer, feel safer. I realize that I live in a corrupt world with a population over run with lazy, tender, immoral people but I will not waiver on my position here.

"Those that would sacrifice a little liberty for a little safety, deserve neither liberty or safety." Benjamin Franklin

Protect your rights people, once you lose them they are gone for good. And don't think it can't happen. It has happened in other places they thought it couldn't too.

For all of you that are for restricting my rights, I leave you with this.
If we ever lose the 2nd amendment, how will you defend the rest of them.

"To take over a nation, first disarm it's people." Adolph Hitler

1 comment:

  1. I have said the same things myself to people who don't want to hear it. Every country who has ever been under a Tyrants reign are peoples who have had to give up weapons, usually under the guise that the leaders will protect them. The next thing is to curtail any form of media and then communication except for those under strict Gov rule. I also know that criminals WILL get weapons even if law abiding citizens are unable to do so. Remember the old saying "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." The right to defend ones self, family and property should not be infringed upon. Have you noticed how the controlled media shows and finds the worst dressed, most red neck ignorant sounded people at gun shows and on the street? Then those who want more gun regulations are represented only by the well dressed, well spoken, big earners. See how they try to paint a picture to and put all gun owners in one corner and all opposed in the other as if that is the way it really is. Media has not one ounce of backbone any longer and big money pulls their puppet strings.
