One of my very best friends, no scratch that, my brother Peewee came by the house Saturday so I could do a little fabricating on his Rebel. He had another guy weld a couple of trumpet mufflers off of a 450 Rebel onto his head pipes and he needed to have some mounts fabricated and installed to keep them from just hanging out and bouncing causing the welds to break. So that's what we did. Nothing fancy but with a little MAPP gas, the drill press, grinder, and the vise we had him fixed up in about an hour. Not bad for a couple of old ditch diggers huh?
Peewee has been my closest friend since somewhere around 1990. We've been through everything together. 3 Marriages, 1 divorce, 5 kids, the deaths of friends and family, cancer, everything. We don't hang out like we used too, life getting in the way I guess, but the friendship is still there and as strong as ever. A lot of times friends are taken for granted and we only remember to thank them when tragedy occurs. Luckily, those kinds of friends don't have to hear it to know how you feel.
This post started out to be nothing more than a recap of the motorcycle related stuff I did this weekend but I guess there was something that needed to be said. Something to relate to you, the reader. Something important. Thank your friends. Thank them for just being there, for holding your head out of the toilet when you drink too much. Thank them for loosing sleep to be at your house working on your crap at 2 a.m. Not the beer fridge, or the riding mower, the crap that doesn't benefit him. The crap they help you fix just because you called them and they would rather be there helping you than at home resting up for work tomorrow. Thank your friends for accepting you when you're an ass. Accepting you because you're an ass, not in spite of it. In this world that we live in today, with all the shallow people with their "me first " attitudes, the true "friend" is becoming harder and harder to come by. I guess that's why my very best friend has been holding that position for the last 21+ years.
Friends, all my friends, cherish the ones you hold dear. They are taken from us all too quickly and replacements are impossible to find. :^)
P.S. 7 weeks, 5 days till the ride.
Nice post. Bring your friend along with his Rebel. Friend of mine rode all the way from Las Vegas and back on one.