Monday, May 23, 2011

What's in a name?

Shakespeare posed this question and though it has been repeated many time, how often do we really consider it?

What really is in a name? When I named my kids I had specific reasons for each of them. All of them different and all of them fitting, even now. I guess it could be luck that my children have somehow grown into the names they were given but it could be that my wife and I chose those names by some unspoken communication with our kids personalities, even before they were born. It depends on who you talk to I guess. Either way the names they have, now fit them the way they are. I couldn't imagine them being called anything else.

Anyway all that garbage was written to lead into this. I think I have finally decided on a name for my 77 Sportster. "Big Ticket". I chose that name because this thing is always costing me money or time, not that I mind it much but I have less money than time and here lately all she wants is money. So that's it, "Big Ticket" it is.

1 comment:

  1. The name is totally appropriate and I like it, good choice.
    I forget, what year is your bike...77? Next year it will be an antique.
    Hey! We could all start a new fun MC group. "Antique Riders" Not a club, just a group.
    Course, Billy and I would be Antiques on Antiques.
