Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Well for some reason I can't seem to respond to comments made on my blog.


Yes I fixed the generator. I just cleaned it up REAL good.

The motorcycle that you gave me the link to was one of three that were there. The only one not on a truck.

Yeah "Big Ticket" is a 77. If 35 years makes it antique then I can also be an "antique on an antique" LOL. 38 in December.

So Wooley, since we are doing Q&A, what is the confirmed head count on the ride now?


  1. 5 and 1 maybe.

    Yep, 35 in machine years qualifies it as an antique.
    We'll have to vote on your antiqueness status. lol
    Perhaps your kids could help out there with a vote.
